Serenity Point, Drip Drop Falls, and Bowman Creek- SGL 57


Drip Drop Falls



The Bowman Creek watershed between Noxen and Ricketts Glen is a hidden gem, even as hikers continue to explore and discover Pennsylvania’s multitude of special places.  This beautiful mountain valley combines isolation, views, cliffs, big rocks, lakes, streams, ruins, and waterfalls.  Unofficial trails reach some of these highlights, others remain unknown.  I recently embarked to make the unknown, known.

Between Wolf and Bean Runs, the plateau juts out.  I suspected something might be on the plateau rim.  I parked my car at Wolf Run, walked down the road, and turned right up the mountain to begin my bushwhack.  I soon encountered a slope littered with large boulders.  I passed an old grade that followed the contour of the mountain.  I followed this grade a short distance to a small stream, which I then followed up the mountain.

I soon reached Drip Drop Falls, a surprising falls, about 12 feet tall, as it tumbles over some ledges.  Other ledges and boulders surround the falls.  The creek was larger than I expected and appears to flow much of the year since it had a streambed of gravel and stone.  I turned east, following the rim of cliffs.  I soon found Serenity Point as it overlooked the Bowman Creek valley.  This spot was so peaceful as the roar of the creek filled the valley, which was untouched and undeveloped.  Hemlock forests lined the valley floor, 400 feet below.  While the bare forests gave it a stark appearance, I’m sure this view is stunning in the Autumn.  I sat at the vista, taking it all in.  This vista offers a closer view of the valley than the more well-known Wolf/Coyote Rocks view further to the east.  Serenity Point would be ideal to see the sunset.


Serenity Point


I left and passed above Drip Drop Falls; it is rare to find a falls and view so close together.  I continued along the rim of cliffs under towering hardwoods and carpets of ground pine.  I came upon some other views, windows through the bare trees.  I then worked down the mountain back to the road.

I saw no point walking the road back when I knew there was a gorgeous unofficial trail along the nearby Bowman Creek.  I soon found this trail, used by mountain bikers I believe.  It is such an awesome hike, threading under hemlocks, through rhododendron, along pristine Bowman Creek with its pools and rapids.  Some of the hemlocks are old growth and fairly large.  I love this trail.

I returned to my car and drove down the road to check out Beth Run Falls, where Beth Run tumbles into Bowman Creek.  I met two ladies hiking, they mentioned there was an old bus hidden in the woods up the forest road, but I decided to check it out some other time.  Beth Run is a beautiful place and the perfect way to end my hike.

More photos.

Location of Serenity Point (exposed white ledge through the trees).

Where I parked.


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