Winter Hike to Becker Brook and the Weeping Wall-SGL 57

This was a winter hike to Becker Brook to see the ice flows at the Weeping Wall.  I first hiked through here six year ago in the spring, we came upon a cove of ledges and cliffs from which many springs flowed.  I’ve always wanted to return to see what these springs looked like frozen.  This is a worthwhile hike anytime of the year with big rocks, waterfalls, cascades, caves, mazes and overhangs.  Being a winter hike, access is tricky.  The road is plowed to Parking 1, but not Parking 2.  If there is little snow, it is possible to reach Parking 2; it is best to reach it from PA 487.  it is generally not advisable to drive the road between Parking 1 and 2 as it is steep and rugged in places.  

Due to heavy snow, we had to make the longer hike from Parking 1.  Thankfully, the road had tire and snowmobile tracks, which made the walking easier.  At the top, however, we had to put on snowshoes to traverse the deep snow.  What a workout.  We dropped down to some large rock outcrops below Parking 2, which had some ice flows.  We crossed the one branch of Becker Brook, and headed to the main branch.  We dropped down to the creek at Becker Brook Falls, which were completely snow covered.  This is a beautiful spot with giant boulders and cascading waterfalls into a deep pool.  We then climbed to the rim of rocks south of the brook and hiked around the rim.  The giant rocks were beautiful and we passed one overhang with ice flows.  Animal tracks stitched the snow across the forest floor.

We reached a giant overhang with a cave, maze and chasms.  It was very scenic.  The tracks of a bobcat passed through a small cave.  The red rock was striking against the white snow.  The overhang had a variety of colors-black, green, silver, red and orange.  It was striking.

We headed south along the rim, passing more giant rocks, and soon reached the Weeping Wall.  The ice flows were beautiful with mounds, draperies, and walls of blue ice.  A narrow chasm with filled with silvery icicles.  Springs bubbled from the rocks.  A beautiful place.  We retraced our steps, the hike being much easier with a packed path in the snow.

This hike is off trail with no blazes or signs.  Red is the off trail route.  Yellow is an alternate route to see more of Becker Brook’s cascades and falls, although there are landslides and flood damage. Parking 2 is on the gamelands.  Enjoy this beautiful place anytime of the year.

Parking 1 is at 41.466884, -76.161423.

Parking 2 is at 41.455797, -76.197386.

Weeping Wall is at 41.445431, -76.200722.

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